[Week 10] — Dan is back!
This blog post deals with the entry of tasks that I did for the 10th week for the project under Google Summer of Code 2019.
Discussing plotting with Dan!
This week started with me working through the 2D
and 3D
plotting code of NDCube
. I had a discussion with Dan
and Cadair
regarding the telecon for the plotting code. I was really fortunate that somehow, Dan
arranged out some time from his busy schedule to discuss the plotting code from SunPy.
I had worked on 3D
and modified the tests, to move forward with the tasks. On Wednesday, we had the telecon, so here it goes.
Telecon with Dan and Cadair
This telecon was much needed for me, more than the mentors to get a knowhow about my project, so I was apparently quite excited to meet and discuss some portion of code which I had researched a lot. After SunPy’s weekly community meeting, which takes place at 16:00 UTC
(which anyone is invited for), I had a talk with Dan and Cadair. Phew!
We discussed the intricacies of how the LineAnimator
of SunPy works, and I discussed the potential edge cases, which I felt was not being dealt with, so I raised them before Dan. After brainstorming with Dan, we finally came to a point, where there were some issues with some of the edge cases not being dealt in LineAnimator
so, I discussed with him that I shall send a PR fixing those, and Dan agreed to review it, since Cadair
does not like the plotting and Dan had re-written the entire LineAnimator
code of SunPy, so it was fair for him to review.
Working on Astropy
Since my plotting for NDCube
using APE14
was using all the features that were being supported in this PR, I sent a couple of PRs, fixing some weird edge cases that were being raised when I was working with plotting. It was pretty difficult in segregating the errors being raised due to the plotting bug or due to the APE14 support PR in astropy. I was working on a local branch that had fixed most of the bugs of plotting in NDCube
so it was much easier for me to understand the context of the error, that was being raised.
I submitted two PRs fixing them, and astrofrog
, the writer of the PR to support APE14 in astropy was quite helpful in getting it merged.
My views
This week, to be honest, I had done work to my heart’s content, and I had some progress to show. Having a telecon with Dan was very much re-assuring for me, as it had become really difficult for me to gauge my progress, and the hurdles that emerged was confusing me, whether I had some shortcomings from my side, or my mentor was really busy(which he was :P).
Tasks for the next week
My list of task that I would like to get it completed would be to complete PR176 and fix the bugs that haven’t resolved for a few months. I also need to back-port the changes back into ape14_rewrite
branch in NDCube, so I also need to discuss them with Cadair
about different possibilities to do so.
For those who were wondering about the title of the blog-post…
The title of the blogpost was inspired by my previous post(also I was lazy to think a new one :P). Also Dan
had been outside the scene for so long, so it was quite a long time before he had a review about the work done.
Link to my previous post
- [Week 09] — Cadair is back!— Link