[Week 03] — Climbing the Everest — 01

Yash Sharma
3 min readJun 19, 2019


Climbing the Everest — Starting the trek!

This blog post deals with the entry of tasks that I did for the 3rd week for the project under Google Summer of Code 2019.

Reading through the Docs

This week marks my initial stab toslicing of NDCube. The best place to start with the refactoring of any code-base, or any method, is reading through the docs, and figuring out how they work currently. Sometimes, figuring out how the present behavior is, and what parts are we looking to refactoring, can easily ease out the process, and help in breaking the refactoring to small parts.

I had a look into the astropy docs, and boy, they have documented each part of the logic, explaining the what and why of the code. Trust me for I have been contributing to open-source projects over for more than a year, and this sounds delight for any developer, for good docs removes the overhead of how the code works, but to focus on the high-level overview of what we want to achieve.

Playing with the slicing

Trying out any feature is more realistic than reading about them, and so I started with creating examples from previous tests of NDCube and how they fit into the scheme of things. Hands down to @Cadair and @astrofrog, for what a concise and behavior agnostic API they had made. This abstracted most part of slicing for WCS object, that NDCube uses underneath.

The real deal starts with refactoring the slicing of extra_coords. This now had to be done using APE14 methods, so I had to first try out a few examples of slicing extra_coords before refactoring it. Soon, after going into the rabbit hole, I realized, it would require refactoring of internal helper methods that the slicing of extra_coords uses. This sounded way too much work, but something that had to be done.

Rewriting the helper methods

The helper methods were based on a logic, which would not apply after we migrated to APE14. So certainly it required me to rewrite them. A common practice that I found, while refactoring, was to go top-down. A top-down approach would mean that you would refactor stuff which you want, to the methods that would get refactored for working correctly. This helped me in worrying about methods which would get affected, rather than worrying which method needs to be refactored.

I started refactoring the helper methods but got stuck at a fundamental point. But @Cadair came to rescue, and he suggested some attributes of WCS which would do my job. This was really crucial as getting stuck would have sucked out more time. This solved my problem, as I went out re-writing the helper methods, working to a behavior as I wanted.

Tasks for the next week

This week was really busy, as I spent time in reading docs and figuring out the most optimum plan to approach slicing. Till now it has gone fairly gone according to plan, though more tasks still await. I keep chugging along, trying to keep up with the required pace, as the phase containing the real challenge has arrived.

“I will come again & conquer you because as a mountain you can’t grow, but as a human, I can.” — Sir Edmund Hillary

Link to my previous post

  • [Week 02] — Solving Bugs! — Link



Yash Sharma
Yash Sharma

Written by Yash Sharma

Open Source Enthusiast | IITian

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